Wednesday, August 12, 2009


“Dear 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant Jesus,don't even know a word yet....Help me Jesus! Help me Jewish God! Help me Allah! AAAAAHHH! Help me Tom Cruise!...Help me Oprah Winfrey!”
Just like Ricky Bobby in the movie 'Talladega nights', people have all sorts of weird ideas about prayer. I once offered to pray for my friend’s bad back and was quite surprised when he stopped me, fearing that one day he may need a favor from God and so didn't want to “use it up” on something trivial like a sore back.
So what is prayer and why do we do it? Does it work, or does it just make us feel better about ourselves? Some people seem to treat God like a fairy godmother – “Please God make my life perfect, fix everyone around me so that no one is in any kind of pain or has any problems and make my footy team win.” Others seem to treat prayer like a trip to the dentist – they only think about it when they’re in pain, otherwise it is the furthest thing from their mind. But surely there is more to prayer than this?
The obvious question – “Does prayer work?” may actually be the wrong place to start. That question sort of assumes that prayer is its own separate thing and has nothing to do with a relationship with God i.e. I'm going to pray for something and then God is obligated to do it because I'm doing “the prayer thing.”
I bet you don't ask president Obama for anything, even though he is the most powerful man in the world, yet I'm sure his kids ask him for things all the time (and they get what they ask for!) Prayer then is all about relationship. God wants to be involved in your life, in the good and the bad, just like a loving father. He wants you to ask and He wants to answer your prayer.
I have this friend who tells me stories every time we are together of God doing miraculous things in her life and answering her prayers. In direct contrast, I also know plenty of others who complain that God ignores them. So why would God answer one friend's prayers, but not the others? I'm sure it’s the same as the Obama thing, prayer is no science but it has to be about the relationship my friend has with God. She wants to follow God and she actually listens to what he says. She has given God the right to direct her life and welcomes him doing just that! When she prays for things, it is a natural part of her relationship with God.
God is not an impersonal force to be harnessed and manipulated for our own ends. Nor is he a genie in a bottle. Prayer is not about secret formulas or making sure you say the right words, it is conversation that comes from the heart of those who trust God with their very lives.

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