Thursday, February 19, 2009

What is a Christian anyway?

If Jesus were to rock into G town tomorrow with plans to stay for the weekend, which church would he go to?
The funny thing is that when Jesus came to the earth 2000 years ago, ( I recently overheard a yr 2 kid complaining to his scripture teacher “No way miss, it can’t still be 2000 years, they told us that last year!”) it was the religious people who hated him and who eventually killed Him. He was a major threat to their systems of control and ancient traditions - and I reckon it might just be the same today. As hard as it is to say, I really don’t know how comfortable he would be in any of our churches, instead you'd probably find Him at the Astor!
There is approximately 1.2 billion people around the world who would call themselves Christians, but without the title, what do they look like and how should they act? And if it's so good, why is there often just as much evil in the church as there is outside it? So what is a Christian anyway? Is it just about believing in God, faithful church attendance, not drinking smoking or swearing, belonging to a club of like minded believers that makes you feel better about yourself and better than others, a ticket to heaven, trying to keep the 10 commandments, or being a good person with good morals who gives to charity? While this may be the experience of a lot of 'Christians' I'm just not sure these things sum up what it should look like to live a life connected to God.
At the core of the real Christian message is the fact that at some stage everyone has chosen independence from God which has left us separated from Him. We have blood on our hands and dirt on our hearts and the only way back to God is to receive the forgiveness He offers each of us made possible by Jesus taking the punishment for wrong in our place.
So then Christianity is to have your life transformed by the power of that gift and as a result be genuinely plugged into God, then to follow Jesus all the way home. It is to be so changed by love and forgiveness that you no longer are driven by what is best for you, but filled with the love of God for others. Life then becomes a clear demonstration of all the things Jesus was about – love, justice, freedom, inclusion, hope, helping the poor, embracing the social outcasts , confronting the systems of control and injustice, real peace, truth, and generosity. Now that is really living!

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