Friday, December 18, 2009

Climate Change

I finally got around to watching Al Gore’s “An inconvenient truth” and it really affected me. I felt so much that I was part of the problem instead of being part of the solution. I was then astounded this week to see all over the news that so much of the scientific research has been discredited and exposed as downright untruthful. The figures now seem to show that global warming has stopped in the last decade, and that the planet may even get cooler again!
In response to the global warming hoax if you want to call it that, I’ve read some articles that celebrate the fact that because “the sky is no longer falling in”, we’re all off the hook now and can go on living however we want.
To be honest, I really don’t know what to make of the scientific findings, but whether the planet is getting warmer or cooler, I’m pretty sure we’re still trashing it. To say that even though there are 6.5 billion of us running around destroying eco systems and native habitats, pumping tones of greenhouse gases and toxins into the environment, chopping down trees like there’s no tomorrow and raping the earth of all its natural resources – and then conclude that there’s no way we are effecting the climate is ridiculous. It’s like saying I’ve got 13 Zebra’s in my kitchen, but I’m sure they won’t break anything!
The fact is - warmer or cooler, there is still a crisis. It may not look like it here in sunny Goulburn, but all around the world the environmental destruction caused by our addiction to consume more and more stuff, is causing massive suffering and oppression of the world’s poor majority. They are paying for our unsustainable lifestyle. God has given us this world to look after and the Bible says that God is against those who destroy the earth (Revelation 11:18).
God has plenty to say about the state of the world today, starting first with the state of our hearts. It is so easy to feel that the problem is, “Out there in the big bad world somewhere, so what difference could I possibly make?” Yet even deeply antireligious people believe that something is seriously wrong with our world, and that wrong is nowhere more present than in the human heart. The problem is not out there, it's inside us and its killing us. We are selfish, greedy and in love with being comfortable. So all of a sudden, global issues become very personal and personal issues become very global.
The hope then for our planet lies directly with our relationship with God. Jesus said that if we want to really live, we'd need to let go of our lives and let Him lovingly lead us. In doing so, He sets us free to be part of the solution instead of the problem because we no longer have to worry about what is best for us. Jesus saves us from ourselves. That is incredible