Thursday, May 14, 2009

Life is spiritual

For many years there was a scientific institute in Moscow where the brains of the great communist- leaders, scientists, artists – were preserved and analysed. The hope was that the secret of these great personalities would be found within the tissue of the brain. Yet even though the brain is an incredible piece of machinery, nothing of intellect, creativity, or character can be found inside it, and so the scientists search for the distinctions of greatness proved futile. If you had some rubber gloves, a sharp scalpel and a willing subject, think for a moment about exactly what part of the body you'd dissect in search for the essence of who they are. The eye, heart, brain and lungs are all vitally important yet they don't house our personality nor the things that truly set us apart as unique individuals. Is it possible that inside each one of us there is something entirely invisible and impossible to touch or feel, that at the same time is completely real, obvious and unquestionable ? Some may call it a soul, others a spirit and others still, life itself yet the common thread is we are more than just physical bodies, that much is sure.
Life is such a wonderful mystery. I don't know if you've ever stopped and pondered what life actually is. We know when life stops and starts but where exactly is this life contained within us and how can be be explained? We understand that if one of our vital organs stops or we run out of blood - that life stops. But these organs and the blood that supply them do not equal life itself. We are more than just the cells that make up our body. We are more than our ability to think and feel, run and jump, laugh and cry. We have this stuff inside us that separates from the animals and links us firmly back to God.
What if the life inside us was evidence of God himself? - The breath of God, the essence of God, the power of God? What if we were actually more connected to Him than we'd ever dared to believe, and nothing we could ever do could possibly change that. It is from Him that all life flows and though Him that all life is sustained and if it weren't for Him we would simply cease to exist. Life is spiritual. We are inextricably linked to the God who created us.
To those who are convinced that unless you can see it, feel it, touch it - it's just not real, what do you do with the thought that the essence of who we are as people cannot be pinned down to scientific rational? To maintain the idea of secular humanism by saying that I will only believe what I can see with my eyes and prove with my science text book, is a very narrow place to live that seems incredibly difficult to sustain.